Monoclonal antibody to the message sequence Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe of opioid peptides exhibits the specificity requirements of mammalian opioid receptors.


Six myeloma cell hybrids producing antibodies to human beta-endorphin were isolated from a single mouse spleen. The monoclonal antibodies displayed different binding patterns with the antigen. We report the characterization of one antibody which recognizes the tetrapeptide Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe representing the message sequence found at the NH2 terminus of all naturally occurring mammalian opioid peptides. Competition experiments in radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemistry show that the antibody fails to bind the beta-endorphin precursor beta-lipotrophin, does not discriminate among opioid peptides that share the same message sequence but have different COOH-terminal extensions, and does not react with pharmacologically inactive derivatives of beta-endorphin. The antibody recognition of the message sequence of natural opioid peptides is sensitive to those molecular changes that affect their receptor binding competence.

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