Morfologia e histoquimica do epidismo do gerbilio, Meriones unguiculatus




Epididymidis epithelium of the gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) was focused in four distinct regions e.g., initial segment, caput, corpus and cauda of the epididymis in which were characterized five cell types: principal, apical, basal, halo and clear cells. These cells were not will characterised on1y in the thin and straight epididymal corpus that showed columnar (principal) cells highly basophilic. Clear cells were viewed mainly in the initial segment and cauda epididymidis although they were not observed in rat s epididymidis initial segmento The epididymal epithelium since the caput until the corpus was high and showed low weight in the cauda epididymis. The lower epithelium at the caudal levei probably compensate the great luminal diameter noted in this region. Concerning at the oxidative enzymes studied, such as the aJkaline and acid phosphatases and ATPase, they showed intense reactivity in the proximal segments of the duct. A1kaline phosphatase and ATPase also revealed high activity in the cauda epididymidis, but SDH showed low reactivity throughout epididymal epithelium, in all the regions, except inside the tubular lumen at spermatozoa storage leveI. Enzymatic activities were correlated to functions of endocytosis, secretion, absorption and active transport of substances, characterised by ultrastructural observations and interpretations. Clear cells were the main cells related to phase fluid endocytosis a function also related to principal cells. Principal cells apparently were predominant1y reported to proteic secretion. Columnar dark cells of the corpus seemed to be related to active and passive absorption of water


morfologia histoquimica

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