Mortalidade por doenÃas respiratÃrias em idosos no Distrito Federal no perÃodo de 1996 a 2005




The increased number of aged in Brazil has been significant. According this new reality is essential rethink the attendance service and it has to be prepared to attend this portion of the population in all the sectors, especially in the heath area. In this study, the research focused in the decurrent mortality of aged by respiratory illnesses from Federal District in a period of 1996 from 2005. The objective of this work was to search and to analyze the mortality of elders thought the available data in the Mortality Data System to represent the situation, evidencing the pathological tendency of mortality in this period and region from the accompaniment of the evolution of rates indicated as cause-death, as well as a indication of solutions to promotion and prevention in the control of such illnesses, responsible to impact directly in the elderâs life quality. It enters the main causes of mortality in Federal District, in the period in analysis, are distinguished the illnesses of circulatory system, the neoplasias and in the respiratory system. Among the pointed respiratory illnesses as death cause in DF, the pneumonia prevails, whose indices have increased in the last years, passing from 88,6 in 1996 to 122 in 2005. The hypothesis can be considered that exist evidences of climatic factors aggravate that influence in the acquisition of respiratory illnesses as pneumonia, as in longs periods of cold and drought weather, that achieve, mostly, elders more than with 80 years. The conclusion is that has evident necessity to amplify the studies that analyze the mortality causes, the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns and basically, which public politics can be directed to this population.


distrito federal aged respiratory illnesses idosos saude coletiva federal district mortality mortalidade doenÃas respiratÃrias

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