Motivação em um projeto de penpals via correio eletrônico na aula de inglês:: um estudo descritivo




Motivation has been considered a major component in the learning process of any subject matter nowadays. The field of research on motivation is still considered new due to the fact of lack of consensus and a definite theory accepted by researchers from different areas. Few studies were done on motivation in a context of second language learning, principally, integrating the virtual environment such as the Internet. Therefore, this study results from a teacher-researcher observation classes in the use of the Internet. It emerges as an alternative pedagogical practice to be applied in new techniques of teaching and learning L2, within a present reality even more closer to technology. The research describes the exchange of e-mail messages and aims to discuss the construct of motivation in a setting of virtual environment the Internet. This study is grounded on the optical view of motivational theories. The starting point of the study is based on the most recent psychological and Applied Linguistics assumptions. Integrative motivation theories and some motivational constructs are also mentioned. We also consider a process-oriented approach in a context of a traditional second language classroom. Through those theories analyzed, we arouse motivational factors that led learners to join in that sort of project. In the view of those theoretical investigations, this study presents results and conclusions of a case study, discussing points about the subject matter on motivation. In this manner, this discussion provides subsidies to assist second language teachers and also researchers in their development and attempts in adopting communicative tasks or projects integrating the Internet in their daily practices.


aquisição da segunda linguagem teses motivação na educação teses. ensino auxiliado por computador. teses língua inglesa estudo e ensino. dlc falantes estrangeiros teses tecnologia educacional. teses correio eletrônico teses internet na educação. teses

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