Mudança e resistência : a experiência dos assentamentos rurais no município de Girau do Ponciano




This is a research about the rural settelments on the municipal district of Girau o Ponciano, in the State of Alagoas. It analyses the reality faced by families beneficiated in projects, showing the limits enforced to them from the precarious development of public politics and from the lack of social and productive substructure. To do that, we visited the Colonization and Rural Reform National Institute INCRA, the Rural and Fishing Office of the State of Alagoas, the Alagoas Land and Rural Reform Institut ITERAL, the settelments on Girau do Ponciano, besides documental and bibliographic search, looking for information about rural settlements and politics developed there. The contact with the reality in the settlements allowed us testify that families beneficiated in projects, because of the inneficient action of the State, tend to look for alternative forms of mediation of their problems, running over local mandataries, reproducing old practices of power and subservience. Howerver, in spite of the problems, families beneficiated in projects admit that life quality in settlements is better than the life they had before, specially because the accessibility to land and the work realized on it allow the production of every day food.


rural settlements assentamentos rurais alagoas ciencias sociais aplicadas rural reform reforma agrária alagoas

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