Multiple Group-specific Antigen Components of Avian Tumor Viruses Detected with Chicken and Hamster Sera


Multiple group-specific (gs) components of the avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses were detected by immunodiffusion (Ouchterlony) tests with sera from hamsters bearing tumors induced by sarcoma viruses and with sera from adult chickens immunized with avian sarcoma or leukosis viruses. Immune hamster sera detected up to four components, whereas chicken sera detected at least one. The hamster and chicken sera identified a similar antigen, as indicated by reactions of identity. Relatively few chicken sera containing neutralizing antibody to avian sarcoma or leukosis viruses reacted in immunodiffusion with the gs antigen. The gs components were released from the virion by various means of disruption, including freezing and thawing. Tests with tissues from normal chickens and from chickens with Marek's disease failed to demonstrate any reactions with hamster or chicken gs antiserum.

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