Multiple Transport Components for Putrescine in Escherichia coli1


Putrescine uptake was studied in cultures of Escherichia coli K-12 grown in media of high or low osmolarity. When grown in high osmolarity medium, a transport system of low Km and low Vmax was found. For cultures grown in a medium of low osmolarity, the kinetics of putrescine uptake was more complex and consistent with the existence of an additional transport system of higher Km and Vmax. This conclusion is supported by the isolation of mutants in which one or the other system appears to be defective and by the ability of chloramphenicol to block the expression of the second transport system. Both systems appear to prefer putrescine over other compounds, since several basic amino acids and other polyamines competed only weakly for transport. The action of both uptake systems was shown to cause significant displacement of intracellular putrescine. Both systems also are at least partially energy dependent.

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