Mutational Events in the Triplo- and Haplo-Lethal Region (83de) of the DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER Genome


The Drosophila melanogaster genome contains a single region (at 83DE on the polytene chromosome map) for which both heterozygous deficiency and heterozygous duplication are inviable. Seven EMS-induced mutations have been recovered that are viable in combination with a duplication of this region. Two classes of mutations are reported: (1) Mutations that allow survival of flies with either a duplication or a normal third chromosome. These mutations retain Ki, a closely linked marker on the mutagenized chromosome. They fail to complement, and one has been mapped to the vicinity of 83DE. (2) Mutations that allow survival only in heterozygous combination with a duplication and have lost the Ki marker. These mutations represent new deletions of the dose-sensitive information. The possible structural organization of the 83DE region is discussed in light of these two classes of mutations.

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