Myocardial fibrosis prevention and accumulation of lipofuscin in myocities cardiac of mdx mice / Prevenção da fibrose miocardica e acumulo de lipofuscina em cardiomiocitos de camundongos mdx




The Duchenne Muscle Dystrophy is a progressive myopathy caused by recessive autossomic disease connected to the gender, which attacks male kids, and involves to motor disability in the property, leading to death around the second decade of life. It is caused by an alteration in the codifier gene of the protein dystropin, which maintains the integrity of the muscle fiber sarcolemma. The mdx mouse is used as an experimental model of DMD to investigate the skeletal and cardiac muscle fiber, because it presents a lot of similarities with the human carrier of the disease. In the DMD, the patients used to die due to respiratory failure. Since there was a treatment evolution with artificial mechanical ventilation techniques, the cardiac dysfunctions became important considering that from this moment on, most of the deaths started occurring because of a cardiac failure, resulting of a process followed by necrosis, inflammation, fibrosis involving to a serious cardiomyopathy. Several pharmacological strategies have been used to improve the cardiac function both in the DMD carrier and in the mdx one of the medications utilized is the deflazacort, a glucocorticóide of anti-inflammatory action, administrated during the whole life of the DMD carrier. Although the deflazacort effects upon the cardiac function in the human being and in the mouse mdx have been extensively studied just a little is know about the histopathological effects on the cardiac tissue. In this paper, the effect of the long term administration of deflazacort daily for 15 months, after they were sacrificed, had their hearts removed and frozen in liquid nitrogen for histological and morphological tissue further analysis. The heart of the mdx mice group treated with deflazacort was compared to the heart of the untreated mdx mice group. The myocardial fibrosis areas diminished significantly in comparison to the untreated group, in 40%. It was concluded that the long term treatment with deflazacort is effective to diminish the cardiac fibrosis progression the cardiomyopathy which cause the myocites cardiac necrosis, and therefore it is interesting to investigate the lipofuscin is a pigment related to the age, it is considered an aging biomarker. In this paper, the accumulation of lipofuscin in control animals C57BL10 and mdx with ages between 14 days and 21 months without any treatment was observed that they increase with the age, and from the 4 to the 6 months there was a raise in the lipofuscin accumulation. It was so, concluded, that the myocites cardiac functioning can be harmed even before the age of 8 months, and the accumulation of lipofuscin can mean a degeneration process which is more intensive in mdx.


endomyocardial fibrosis mdx mice fibrose endomiocardica lipofuscin lipofuscina myocardium deflazacorte miocardio - doenças camundongo mdx deflazacorte

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