Myrtaceae species in permanent plot in atlantic rain forest at Carlos Botelho state park, Sete Barras city - SP. / Espécies de myrtaceae de uma parcela permanente de floresta ombrófila densa baixo montana no parque estadual Carlos Botelho, município de Sete Barras - SP.




The aim of this work was to identify tree species of Myrtaceae from Carlos Botelho State Park, Sete Barras city. In this area 256 permanent plots of 20x20m (total 10,24ha) were installed, and every tree above 4,8cm DBH was collected during eleven field trips that were made in one year. The identifications were based on bibliography and later, confirmed through comparison at the herbaria ESA, SP and UEC and consults to specialists. 48 species of Myrtaceae were found at the permanent plots, which means approximately 25% of the area’s floristic composition. Total of 2136 specimes were collected, which means approximately 20% of the total number of trees on the area. Eugenia was the most abundant genera with 26 species, followed by Gomidesia and Marlierea with 4 species, Myrceugenia and Myrcia with 3 species, Campomanesia and Plinia with 2 species, and Calycorectes, Calyptranthes, Myrciaria and Neomitranthes with 1 species each. Marlierea suaveolens Cambess., Eugenia cuprea (O. Berg) Nied., Gomidesia flagellaris D. Legrand, Marlierea tomentosa Cambess., and Neomitranthes glomerata (D. Legrand) D. Legrand were the most frequent species in this order. A dichotomous key for the species is presented, which along with a photographic record, illustrate this work and will help the identification of specimes on the field and in herbaria in future projects.


conservation units natural vegetation parque estadual carlos botelho vegetação nativa mirtacea atlantic rain forest área de conservação carlos botelho state park myrtaceae mata atlântica

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