Narrativa e Interatividade em meios audiovisuais / Narrativa e Interatividade em meios audiovisuais




In Narrative Discourse Gérrard Genette makes an analyze of À La Recherche du Temps Perdu by Proust, breaking apart the poetic narrative and bringing new effective elements to comprehend and study any other kind of narrative. Genette suggests that this analyze should be taken by three basic keys: Time (could be divided in Order, Duration and Frequency), Mode and Voice. The narrative have been more and more common in the videogames and to comprehend the congruencies and differences between the literature narrative and a narrative that allows interaction, of the electronic games, the adventure Full Throttle from 1994, by Tim Schafer, was observed by the eye of Narrative Discourse. Using the elements found in this study, this work consists on the creation of a new product: LIMBO, an electronic game with the objective application of this narrative features observed. The Game Document is presented in a completed way, trying to approach the biggest number of characteristics that will be implemented by the topics: overview, synopsis, characters description, description of the universe where the story happens, argument, game play, level design and concept arts.


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