Natação para crianças portadoras de deficiencia visual : uma proposta de ensino




The objective of this work is to determine specific thechnical procedures which allow the teaching of swimming to visually impaires children, in view of the considerations effected in the course of this study. Its structure offers support and suggestions for the work of instructors in this area, beginning with a technical resource which was developed taking into account the limitations and needs of these special students in the learning of swimming, in order to motivate and help them in the exercise, and to improve strategies for their teaching programs. After comprehensive observation of the video tapes made and notes taken during the activities, we relate here the stages of the learning of swimming, with particular focus on the criteria used in adapting the blind child to the liquid medium , as a starting point to the actual teaching. The motivation special techniques adopted and the interrelation between technical content ? basic ? grips ? addectivity ? playfulness ? music, gather fundamental data for the professionals in this field, since they provide means to overcome part of the difficulties due to the impairment thus facilitating the teaching of swimming. Through these procedures, we noted that a blind child learns to swim in a period of time similar to that of a child who can see and, susprisingly, at the same rate of progress


natação para crianças educação fisica para deficientes natação para deficientes crianças com deficiencia visual

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