Neoplastic transformation by a cloned human cytomegalovirus DNA fragment uniquely homologous to one of the transforming regions of herpes simplex virus type 2.


Specific DNA fragments of human cytomegalovirus strain Towne exhibited sequence homology to the transforming regions of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) when examined by nitrocellulose filter hybridization under nonstringent conditions. Cloned Towne Xba I fragments B and C were homologous to both Bgl II transforming fragments N and C of HSV-2 DNA, whereas cloned Towne Xba I fragment E was uniquely homologous to HSV-2 Bgl II fragment C. Furthermore, Towne Xba I fragment E exhibited homology to a unique fragment of cytomegalovirus strain AD169 but lacked homology to the recently identified Xba I transforming (focus-forming) fragment N. Normal diploid Syrian hamster embryo cells transfected with cloned Towne Xba I fragment E displayed colonies of refractile, rapidly dividing cells which escaped senescence to form immortal cell lines. At early passages, these lines exhibited growth in 2% serum and formed small (less than 0.1 mm) colonies in 0.3% agarose. Serial passaging resulted in the appearance of large (greater than 0.25 mm) colonies in agarose, indicating the involvement of more than one step in Towne Xba I fragment E-induced transformation of the diploid hamster embryo cells. NIH 3T3 cells transfected with Towne Xba I fragment E rapidly displayed large colonies in agarose and tumors in vivo.

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