Neural organization of the mesencephalic system responsible for the freezing behavior. / Organização do sistema neural mesencefálico responsável pela resposta de congelamento.




Freezing to a context previously associated to footshock is attenuated by ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vlPAG) lesion. Moreover, electrical stimulation or microinfusion of compounds that interfere with GABA neurotransmission in the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (dlPAG) provoke freezing and escape. The present study examined the possibility of this freezing being the result of an indirect activation of vlPAG through dlPAG stimulation. Rats bearing vlPAG or sham lesions were electrically stimulated at dlPAG sites to have their freezing and escape threshold currents measured. The same animals were also submitted to a contextual fear-conditioning paradigm through footshock to validate our experimental setting. A second group of vlPAG- and sham-lesion rats received infusions of semicarbazide, a GABA-synthesis blocker, in the MCPdl. The results obtained show that vlPAG lesions do attenuate conditioned freezing, but are ineffective against dlPAG-stimulation freezing and escape. The vlPAG is the main PAG target to central nucleus of amygdala projections, while the dlPAG receives afferents primarily from hypothalamic nuclei related to defense. This evidence is coherent with vlPAG mediating responses to potential danger, while dlPAG would be more related to immediate danger.


hodologia defense matéria cinzenta periaquedutal aversive stimulation periaqueductal gray defesa conditioned fear medo condicionado hodology estimulação aversiva

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