New genome types of adenovirus types 1, 3, and 5 isolated from stools of children in Brazil.


During an epidemiological survey made in São Paulo (Brazil), fecal specimens were periodically collected from 100 randomly chosen babies from birth to the age of 18 months. The stools, routinely collected each month and also collected each time a child presented any sign of disease, were screened for the presence of adenoviruses. Sixteen adenovirus strains, isolated from the stools of healthy and ill children, were characterized by restriction enzyme analysis. Five isolates were from subgenus A, five were from subgenus B, four were from subgenus C, and two were from subgenus D. All but two showed some restriction patterns different from those of the 42 human adenovirus prototypes and all the genome types described up to now. No fastidious adenovirus (subgenus F, serotypes 40 and 41) was encountered in the stools examined. We report here the restriction enzyme analysis of isolates of subgenera B and C. The following new designation genome types are proposed: Ad3e1 (subgenus B) and Ad1d, Ad5a1, and Ad5a2 (subgenus C).

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