Nivel cognitivo de alunos do curso de magisterio




The objective of this research is to check and analyse the cognitive level of teachership course students as per the principles and orientations of Jean Piaget’s theory. The hipotheses hereby stated were raised based on conflicts faced by the researcher as a teacher to teachership students. The concerns regarding the teacher’s function and roles, the professional responsibilities and schooling requirements which should deeply be based on researchs and scientific studies on education are also discussed in this research. The tests of volume conservation, pendulum oscilations and matching operations were applied to the 23 subjects studied. The research details the description of the tests, the criteria for the subject’s assessment and also shows the tables with an analysis in percentages for a better visualization of the results achieved. Jean Piaget’s theory provided a consistent analysis of the results obtained, enabling a very deep checking of the hipothese raised.


desenvolvimento cognitivo professores

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