Nodule infection by bean yellow mosaic virus in Phaseolus vulgaris.


Infection of root nodules of beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L., by bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) and the effect of the disease on the specific activity of the nodule are reported. Infectivity and serological microprecipitin assays with two sources of BYMV antiserum demonstrated that nodules from bean plants whose leaves had been inoculated with BYMV contain BYMV antigen. The disease reduced the fresh weights of tops, roots, and root nodules and induced premature nodule decay and/or nodule drop. The disease also reduced leghemoglobin content, on a plant weight basis, and N2 fixation rate, on an individual plant basis, as measured by the acetylene reduction assay. The increased leghemoglobin content per gram-nodule in BYMV-infected nodules relative to healthy nodules might be associated with multiplication of the virus in the nodule and/or unknown cellular effects derived from the BYMV-Rhizobium interaction.

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