Nonrandom Sister Chromatid Segregation and Nuclear Migration in Hyphae of Aspergillus nidulans


Radioactive conidiospores of Aspergillus nidulans were prepared by growing a purine-requiring mutant with tritiated adenine. When these spores germinated in a nonradioactive medium, the dispersion of the original chromosome set could be followed by treating the hyphae with ribonuclease and preparing radioautograms. Germinating spores with four or eight nuclei contained two highly labeled nuclei and two or six nuclei with much less or no radioactivity. Successive mitotic divisions thus distributed the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the eight spore chromosomes among only two of the progeny nuclei. The two nuclei containing the original chromosome set were not dispersed at random along the linear hypha but were usually located near the growing tip. These results are compatible with the view that chromatids containing DNA strands of identical age segregate as a unit during mitosis. They further indicate that the mechanism which disperses newly formed nuclei in the growing hypha can distinguish between nuclei containing DNA strands of different ages.

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