Nos do quarto distrito : a classe trabalhadora porto-alegrense e a Era Vargas




Trough the first half of the 20th Century, Porto Alegre, the state capital of Rio Grande do Sul, experienced an accelerated process of urban and industrial expansion, becoming Brazilian third industrial nucleus. That process originated a set of working-class neighborhoods usually referred to by the generic denomination "Quarto Distrito" ("Fourth District"). The population of these neighborhoods was constituted, basically, from the confluence of variegated internal and external migratory streams. As most industrialists in town were German-Brazilians, class relations mixed with inter-ethnic relations. That was the situation "Brazilian workers", as well as the new-coming eastern European immigrants, had to face on attempting to define their social and cultural space in the town, process that was affected by the evolution of international conflicts and by the rise of nationalism as a leading political force at the country. The enduring availability of jobs and the possibility, limited but real, for ascending social mobility, associated to the strong influence of paternalistic labor relations, provided the basis for employers cultural hegemony over the "Fourth District" workingclass community. On the other hand, the creation of public spaces of leisure and cultural practices, as well as the solidarity generated by the common exposure to risks, or generated by the struggle for social rights, gave birth to a comprehensive community-based identity. The local popular groups in their search to become socially and politically relevant actors / used this general collective identity as a common basis, particularly after the 1945 democratization processo By the way, organized labor movement was not fully able to canalize workers everyday resistance to exploitation and to open room to the exercise, in an articulated way, of citizenship at the workplace. Anyway, the first half of the century was pointed by a series of struggles that, having succeeded better or worse from an immediate perspective, in the long run went ahead toward the conquest, implementation and generalization of social rights. Acting in the public sphere and contributing to its reshape, workers redefined the very basis ofthe legality and legitimacy oftheir claims


historia oral sindicalismo comunismo etnicismo migração historia social movimento operario - porto alegre - historia

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