Novas qualificações para cargas e aditivos minerais, repercussões na industria extrativa mineral e efeitos economicos adjacentes




The purpose of this work is to analyze the evolution of the mineral industry in the last two decades based upon the new environment of industrial modernization. This environment created radical changes in the pattern of the raw material/final product relationships of the productive system of developed economies.The environment and energetic constraints related to those changes were evaluated based upon of mentioned framework.The concept of ?Commodity? vis ?Speciality? is used to explain the flow changes in the mineral products activity, considering mineral product as an intermediate product and substitutes in the industrial production.The final choice of kaolin as an indicator for those changes were based upon the actual good opportunities for the country for competition in the international market of specialities for paper industry, as well as availability of premiun grade kaolin reserves in Brazil


industria mineral minas e recursos minerais

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