O bestiário apocalípticon como metáfora para helenização do oriente próximo : formas possíveis da "quarta besta" de Daniel serem identificadas como Alexandre, o grande




The present historiographical work aims at expressing the possible Jewish cultural appropriation related to myths, ideas and Oriental images. Having Dn 7 as a source text, I intend to track down the beasts framework, focusing mainly on the fourth animal, only described as being exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass. Analyzing these mysterious animal features, a parallel between the animal described in the supposed Alexander the Great trip to India, story narrated in the false letter attributed to Aristotle, and later inserted in the Alexander Romance. The animals descriptions made by the authors are very alike, and regarding the fascination that Alexander exerted upon the author of Dn, it is plausible to affirm that the animal described in the vision can be the Indian Rhinoceros, Odontotyrranus. It is worth emphasizing that even in a Judaism closed to cultural interchanges, the author of Dn ends up using prior pagan ideas, and Greek/Oriental images to culturally reaffirm himself and reject an imminent Hellenic influence over the religious Judaic customs.


rinoceronte indiano judaísmo hjlenismo antioco epífanes alexandre, o grande historia hellenism judaism antiochus epiphanes indian rhinoceros

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