O caiçara de Ubatuba: transformações históricas de sua identidade coletiva e proposta de autotransformação como alternativa para sua sobrevivência / Ubatubas caiçara: historical transformations of his collective identity and proposal of self-transformation as an alternative to his survival




Ubatubas history studies, the formation of the caiçara collective identity and the main problems faced nowadays by this county and its population. Problems also responsible for the continuing fragmentation and dilution that the caiçara culture has been suffering along the years. Several movements in order to preserve or recover such culture could be observed, however, there is no use thinking about preserving populations considered traditional, as it should preserve the Atlantic Forest, as an example. Trying to keep it alive in the actual world, self-transformation is the path indicated in this work. But it will only be accomplished through the awareness and critique appropriation of its own traditions by the people involved, if they desire it, through the development of political projects. The theory developed by Habermas (1983;1987;2002;2004) helps to develop such reflections and to propose the communication as a way to reach the understanding to the actual existent problems. The analysis of the facts has as a main point a critique to the functioning of the capitalist system, responsible for the exclusion of the groups, mainly of those who have the mark of their cultural and traditional identity, which distinguish them


pescadores -- usos e costumes -- ubatuba, sp identidade social very simple people who live along the seashore preservação psicologia social atlantic forest ubatuba, sp -- historia caiçara mata atlantica preservation identidade-coletiva collective identity

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