O campo atrativo perceptual do nadar (CAPn) e a propulsão na natação




The purpose of this study is debate the Perceptual Attractive Field on swin (PAFs) and the propulsion in the swim, considering, as fundamental point, the swim intentionality. In this way, the intentionality will be understood by the perception phenomenon and, this one, will be explained by the field theory. The objective of this study was verify if the PAFs cause influence in the swimmer?s propulsion high ability in comparison with the low ability. The methodological procedure used was applied in high and low ability swimmers, and they were separated according to the index performance (FAP and CBDA, 2002). A quantitatively and qualitative instrument was created to verify the phenomenal behavior, in the ?visual field?, according to the field theory. To analyze the results, there were used no parametrical tests, and the variable?s nature was considered. The nullity rejection hypothesis level was fixed in 0,05 or 5%. When the groups were separated by the ?visual field?, we found, in the behavior?s description, that high ability swimmers in comparison with the low ability swimmers?, had more dynamic tensional force in the PAFs, between 50 m and 75 meters (p<0,001). After, we observed the exit from parting block (p<0,02) and, finally, but no less important, at the final 100 meters crawl swim (p<0,05). The results of the study take us to consider the pedagogic practice and, in consequence, how the propulsion question can be solved in the swim. So, the PAFs tensional force sets a configuration in the swim technical to both groups, in different complexity attraction level ? we can think in the field?s super valorization and in it?s relation with the swim experience. We noted that there is a swimmers auto organization, from both groups, with the swim?s technic and we can infer that the facts noted in the PAFs structure can be explained by the organizational laws presents in the field theory


movimento natação percepção pedagogia

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