O ciclo de Elêusis: imagem e transformação social em Atenas no século IV a.C. / The eleusinian cicle: image and social transformation in fourth-century Athens




This work deals with the relations between the changes in the Eleusinian figuration of the Athenian red-figure vases in the fourth-century B.C. and the social changes related to the fifth-century Peloponnesian War. Our departure point lay in the proposition made by Henri Metzger that the changes identified in the images of the Eleusinian Mysteries are strictly connected with the social, religious, political e economic changes of the fourth-century Athens. This text is divided into theoretical-methodological questions about the analysis and interpretation of the images on vases; the comprehension of the Mysteries itself; the social, economical, political and religious contextualization of fourth-century Athens and finally the interpretation and analysis of the Eleusinian images.


iconography transformação elêusis classical athens transformation eleusis iconografia mistérios mysteries ceramic cerâmica atenas clássica

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