O contrato na dimensão dos princípios constitucionais da dignidade humana e da solidariedade : perspectivas jurídico-constitucionais da lesão e da mudança de circunstâncias




This work approaches the problem of the applicability of the fundamental human rights in the private relationships, in more several forms, especially treating of the contract in the dimension of the constitutional principles of the human dignity and of the solidarity. It begins with a historical digression concerning the reconquest of the value dignity in the private relationships, with the passage of the liberal state for the social state, demonstrating the problems of the new constitutional interpretation starting from the general duties of conduct in the civil obligations, braiding a parallel between these and the social principles of the contract consecrated with the constitutional text. It stands out here to the references to the primacy of the good-faith aims at, social function of the contract and the notion of material equivalence, starting point for the analysis of the possibility of contractual revision through the judiciary power, as well as of the limitations to the control jurisdicional of the fundamental rights, in opposition with the current that defends the judicial activism in those situations. It is an attempt of giving a wide vision of the subject by the analysis of their consequences in the plan infraconstitucional, especially in relation to the institutes of the lesion and the theory of the alteration of the circumstances, term that it holds the analysis of the clause rebus sic stantibus, welcomed notion, in the brazilian juridical system so much in the consumer law as effective civil code. Finally, the work search to establish the outlines of a social sense of the contract consecrated in the current code that comes as an open system that allows the construction of bridges that tie it to other laws looking for to explain such phenomenon and which the consequences of we hug that orientation in a close future.


contrato general duties of conduct direito human dignity contract lesão dignidade humana rebus sic stantibus alteração das circunstâncias aplicabilidade dos direitos fundamentais solidarity applicability human rights solidariedade deveres gerais de conduta

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