O corpo na representação social das mulheres da comunidade Boa Esperança




Based on analyses of presuppositions that give support to the social representations, this study considers that the way by which the investigated women see their bodies is the consequence of interactions involving inherent representation of their symbolic universe, i.e., this conception is forged in the context of the social life and is thus a result of this process. It is thus admitted that the female body, as well as its standards, is regarded as one of the cultural dimensions that, with the support of the information technology sent for spreading the news about the service of the consumption products, acts at searching for the desired performances. The body is also in charge of the world-be relational process and, as it expresses the real existence of the group of the investigated women, whose configuration demonstrates their way of feeling, thinking, acting, imaging, desiring and reacting, each being essential elements to the formation of the social representations. Aiming at analyzing the social representation of the women of the society community of Boa Esperança, the importance of the cares that they have with their bodies and the knowledge that has guided and founded these cares, this study accounts for the social representations as being resultant constructions of the apprehensions done by the citizens in terms of environment by concerning its social interactions and relations. This study concludes, through the qualitative analysis by involving the content of thematic categories such as body as manifestation of life and existence, body as cultural expression and body as practical care, within which the investigated women have learned to take care of their body following their mothers orientation, also other relatives, as well as by other means of information, for instance: from the media, particularly when it is about beauty and fashion. They also have got influenced by advertisements considered to be very strong for they attest sovereignty in the market and especially when the body care product is being sold at the same time. In summary: these women the regard the lack of body cares as a shame and they also think it is unacceptable, once it will compromise their body image, which is kept and spread by the capitalist society and thus regarded as being an ideal.


corpo representation social mulheres representação social educacao body

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