O descompasso das políticas públicas para a solução do déficit habitacional




This dissertation is concerned about public policies for the solution of the Brazilian housing deficit problem. The work concentrates on the period from 1964 and the creation of the National Housing Bank (BNH), up to 2005, with programs implemented in the first three years of the Lula administration, and questions the inefficiency of these politics in achieving its main objective. The work presented tries to demonstrate that the housing program models predominantly implemented over the last 40 years are based fundamentally on a financing system to construct houses, based on the relation between the government and public or private enterprises, and between the government and its citizens. This model has proved to be unsatisfactory due to the fact that it does not include, among others, the population segment which has an income of up to three minimum salaries and responds for up to 83% of the Brazilian housing deficit. Furthermore, the large number of housing programs implemented along this period, in conjunction with the various rules relating fund application, demonstrates the lack of attention by the public authorities. The efforts for a solution to the Brazilian housing deficit are insufficient, resultant of an inadequate budget to provide for the construction demand for new homes.


public policies déficit habitacional habitação política habitacional housing deficit housing tecnologia de arquitetura e urbanismo housing policies programas habitacionais políticas públicas housing programs

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