O direito à vida como limitação material à negociação coletiva de trabalho




The purpose of this dissertation is to study the material limits imposed on collective bargaining in Brazil by the constitutional right to the physical integrity of the human being, which is one of the constitutional acceptations for the term "life". Physical integrity protection means the maintenance of human anatomy, physiology and psyche. The work process, depending on how it is organized, may generate harmful effects to worker s physical integrity. It is incumbent on the Law to limit employer s capability of organizing work processes so as to protect workers physical integrity, and the legal rules that fulfill such requirement are defined as "worker s physical integrity minimum protection". Worker s physical integrity minimum protection rules are unrenounceable in view of their public nature, in spite of there being nothing to prevent the possibility of changing such rules to make them more favorable to workers physical integrity. Collective bargaining is the typical tool of collective labor law, and is the actual procedure capable of producing legal rules that will have influence on individual labor agreements of the respective labor bases thus represented. The Brazilian legal system recognizes collective bargaining as the source that produces legal labor rules, notwithstanding establishing subjective, procedural and material limits to such normative production. In relation to the material limitation of the collective bargaining s scope of performance, this is found through the interpretation of the Brasilian Federal Constitution s artic1e 7th,XXVI, in accord with the rule of the inviolability of the right to the life, that in takes us to the conc1usion of the unconstitutionality of the produced rule of law through collective bargaining that moves away the incidence or reduces the content of worker s physical integrity minimum protection rules


direito constitucional justica do trabalho negociacao coletiva de trabalho direito a vida -- leis e legislacao -- brasil integridade física do trabalhador direito à vida

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