O doméstico e o ritual $$b cotidiano Xaray no Alto Paraguai até o século XVI / Domestic and ritual $$b Xaray quotidian in the Upper Paraguay until the sixteenth century




This research deals with functional and spatial aspects of a set of archeological sites located in the northern area of the Mato Grosso Pantanal known as the Pantanal of Cáceres. Within a context of cultural diversity which characterizes the region of the Gran Chaco and Upper Paraguay, archeological sites associated with Pantanal ceramics (attributed to groups of fishermen, hunters and collectors) and Descalvados ceramics (attributed to groups of farmers), are discussed in terms of the lithic and ceramic material, as well as the distribution of these remains. For the first time, a study is being carried out on the lithic material of the occupation by the Descalvados revealing the production of decorations. During the study, different levels of relationships were explored starting from the possible functions of the sites in the realm of site systems through to the internal organization of a site occupied by the Descalvados. In order to discuss the site systems, variables such as the surrounding area and variations in the archeological material present in distinct sites were taken into consideration. For discussion of the internal organization of the site, ceramic and lithic material were compared as well as archeological structures to which specific functions were attributed. Binary opositions such as domestic utensils vesus ritual paraphernalia and domestic space versus funeral spaces are explored from a structuralist perspective permitting a view of the material and non-material aspects of the Descalvados occupation. The discussion extrapolates the ecological, functionalist approach since it deals with aspects which go beyond the practical functions of the material and spatial elements. Also, some previously constructed hypotheses are tested such as the functions of the ceramic containers and the possible concomitance of the occupations associated with the Pantanal and Descalvados ceramics. New absolute datings were obtained filling in temporal gap that existed with respect to the Descalvados occupation taking back the beginning of the occupation by groups associated with Pantanal ceramics by one millennium


functions of pottery vessels sistemas de sítios the mato grosso pantanal lithic adornments production pantanal mato-grossense funções de vasilhas cerâmicas functions of areas funções de áreas site systems indústria de adornos

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