O domínio de atividades de vida autônoma e social referentes à alimentação de crianças surdocegas com fissura lábio palatal




The focus of this search has been upon the statements of mothers and teachers about how deafblind children with cleft-palate behave in daily life. The present search is based in studies about the history of deafblind education, its principal aspects the etiology, the importance of communication and language for people who are deafblind, the basics curriculums that are able to improving their skills in the daily life area, as well as, in order to identify how is possible, to structure the communication to be structured in daily activities involving the feeding, trying to develope independency and social interactions. This search had the main to analyse the intervention of family and teachers in how the child acquires feeding habits (to be able to feed himself independently) and to show how important is this acquisition to family and society. To achieve there objectives data was collected in DEAFBLIND DEPARTMENT- (CENTRAU) Curitiba by interview with mothers and teachers, involving the ways that the children were able to feed himself and how this process is done with these activitys. Studing of facts, the nursing, and this connection about feeding, family and school, taking into account the relation the feeding influency in cultural, social, psychic and biologic during deafblind life .The process of investigation happened in three steps:1-Resourch in records, in rate-book and from interviews.2-Organization of reports from mothers and teachers.3-Reflection about the information achieved in the first two steps. The study of facts showed that mothers received too little information from medical professionals, after the birth, and the child did not get appropriate stimulus, as well and that the teachers did not receive adequate information about the child that could be used to improve the learning of child.


atividades de vida autônoma e social deafblindnes alimentação feeding psicologia surdocegueira fissura lábio palatal daily life

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