O efeito retroativo da prova de ingles do vestibular da Unicamp na preparação de alunos em um curso preparatorio comunitario




The concept of washback has been very popular in Applied Linguistics for many years. Most studies have concentrated on the influence of tests on teaching EFUESL. However, only a few have focused on the perceptions, attitudes and motivations of students in relation to the foreign language and the exams themselves. This research is an exploratory qualitative case study which aims at investigating the impact of the English test of the entrance examination administered by the State University of Campinas on the perceptions and attitudes of students preparing for the exam. The study triangulates information collected from different methods: questionnaires/interviews with the students and teachers of a community preparatory course and cIass observations. Documents that provide information about the exam, the material used by the students during the class observations and the questions of the 2001 English tast were also analyzed. Impacts of different intensities were observed: the exam had impact on the preparation of some students but not on others, which may be considered as evidence that the effect of the exam is not deterministic


lingua estrangeira leitura - avaliação

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