O Ensino da Psicologia no Curso de Administração: Como Trabalhar em Pequenos Grupos Favorecendo a Relação de Equipes / The Teaching of Psychology in the Management Course: how to Work in Small Groups while favoring Team Relationships




The author, in her consulting job, has observed that people are not trained in their formation, to operate in interactions. There is great difficulty in applying to the everyday routine the information obtained through training. The grupal processes are not perceived as a whole, and the emphasis relies on results instead of trying to evaluate the ways to reach them. In this way, many courses are offered but not everybody is capable of recognizing the obstacles and resistance inherent to all interactions. Still, there is a strong perception that knowledge prevents distortions, and therefore, the internal processes are not adequately experimented, thus there is little possibility of transforming them, when they cannot be identified, named and then related to the theory. There is a clivage between theory and experimenting. This study is based on these assumptions and tried to create a methodology which would help to link Psychology's lines and group work.


pequenos grupos aprendizagem comunicação monitor

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