O ensino de filosofia para jovens com experiencia filosofica




This dissertation aims to think philosophically the teaching of philosophy to youngsters, in school, nowadays, in Brazil. The appreciation of this discipline in the "new order" of Brazilian education has increased in the last two decades. Parallel to this, this teaching is not obligatory, thus, there is no uni vocal definition of its contents, strategies and manners. So, perhaps it would be convenient that the teacher, before deciding on his teaching plan, defines for himself which his educational purposes are and which philosophy he refers to. We think that philosophy is the knowledge that creates concepts that help men to solve their problems. To philosophize is to create philosophy and philosophy is to philosophize. Philosophy can contribute to men understanding the present troubled and many times abominable world. This teaching to youngsters can be exactly this: an experience of learning to realize the philosophic discipline in their thought. This would be done through the student s investigative dialogue with the philosophic text, with his mates and teacher and with himself, in a philosophic investigation movement in pursuit of creation of concepts that could solve his problems. So, the youngster, besides the daily thought, could use the philosophic thought to create himself and the world


dialogo ensino medio professores e alunos filosofia - estudo e ensino

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