O estudante do ensino medio e tecnico e a precarização do trabalho : perspectivas e adaptação - um estudo de caso de jovens estagiarios / The high school and technical education student and precariousness of work : perspectives and adaptation - a case study of young interns




This thesis is aimed at apprehending the process of inserting the high school education and technical school student in the work market by means of socio-cultural internships. The research methodology, of a qualitative nature and which is characterized as a case study, consists of institutional documentation analysis and semi-structured interviews with principals and interns/students of two state public schools of the municipality of Araraquara-SP. It was examined the perception of the schools principals and the youngsters on education, work and internships considering, the latter ones, part of a wider movement of capitalism universalization and of State reforms in which private and public companies utilize a young workforce, educated, qualified, and willing to perform, with total dedication and without questioning, several activities in general precarious, badly paid and deprived of rights, as a way to acquire experience and remain connected to the work market. It was found that, in this process, the school plays, along with the employment agencies , an active role as intermediary and students recruitment agencies for compani-es indicating and sending, to internships, those already pre-approved by the educational institution in behaviors and attitudes - which are characterized as social competences to the detriment of school knowledge - useful to work performance. It was also found that the young student has an extremely opti-mistic view, idealized, fetishistic and alienated on the sociocultural in-ternships, not even understanding the bases on which they are doing them and, this way, they are reproducing and legitimating the links that are establi-shed between school/company in the process of Brazilian youth inclusion, now-adays one of the most vulnerable and affected by unemployment and by precariousness social segments in a subordinate way, degraded, marginal, that can be understood as an "excluding inclusion", in the work market. This youngster, although denounces living in unstable existence material conditions and dreams, for the future, about a professional stability that makes it possible the access to the consumer society and to the constitution of the own family, is, today, adapted to the unsteadiness of life and of work and incorporated the business, school and media dominant discourse of continuous education as the only way to achieve social mobilization


ensino medio youth internship technical education employment juventude high school education estagios emprego ensino tecnico

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