O FIM DO SILENCIO CORPORAL: a escuta do corpo na prática da relação educativa com o aluno




In this study I deal with some questions concerned the real conditions in which the humam body is put, quiet and contained, in the school environment. Using the language and the didactic piece in Brecht terms, I search to consider and analyze the importance of the relation between body-and-learning in the formation and the education of the citizen. In the context, I investigative in order to relate my teaching action in theater lessons as pedagogical possibilities to propitiate self knowledge to the pupils as well as corporal action. In the proper inquiry of my teaching pratice, I use a modality named narrative research resing as a support in theory Paulo Freire and Bertolt Brecht when I assume and realize a conception of body that acts as totality and allows dialogues.(AU)


arte educação corpo aprendizagem educação do corpo diálogo corporal teatro educativo educacao

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