O grupo terapeutico fonoaudiologico como possibilidade de intervenção junto a crianças disfonicas : analise de um processo / The audio-phonologic therapeutic group as possibility of intervention along with dysphonic children : a process analysis




The in-group audio-phonologic work with dysphonic children is still not much diffused, there is very little literature approaching the subject. The voice is considered, here, as part of communication and means of linguistic basing of the child in the social relations. The goal of the research is to analyze the group as a kind of audio-phonologic intervention along with dysphonic children, as well as the possibilities of acting that it provides. The database of the research is the therapeutic process of a group of six dysphonic children during six months. The results show the joined constructions of knowledge, the concepts repercussion developed in-group in the children s life, the important role of the therapist, the exchanging of experiences, the difficulty in the achievement of the exercises and individual techniques in the group context and the positive changes in the vocal quality with dysphonic of slight level during the process. It comes to the conclusion that the group is a rich and promising space , important for the development of notions the children have towards the voice and conscientiousness for eliminating bad habits and collection of healthy habits, besides providing positive changes regarding the children s vocal quality.


crianças - disturbios da voz voice disorders disturbios da voz fonoaudiologia children phonoaudiology

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