O homem no espelho: Reflexões sobre a dissidência integralista de Severino Sombra (1931 - 1937)




As its main aim, the present research intended to show how the Cearense Legion of Work (Legião Cearense do Trabalho), founded in Fortaleza by Severino Sombra, which dates back to 23rd August 1931, had a penetration within the means of working masses, being initially courted and then unified to the movement created by Plinio Salgado, the AIB. Having by reference the ultramountainous Catholicism, extremely well characterized within the works of catholic thinkers as De Bonald, De Maistre, Donoso-Cortés, who had their followers here in Brazil during the 1920s and 1930s. For instance, Jackson de Figueiredo e Alceu Amoroso Lima, being their ideas spread from the Centre D. Vital, place regularly attended by the youth official Severino Sombra, still in the Military School of Realengo, in Rio de Janeiro. The Legion was committed to resolve the social problems installed by capitalism and its reflexes such as liberalism and communism. Here relies the reason why the Catholic Church gave such a strong support to the Legion. The Legion searched for a perfect day to day and it tried to overcome the conflicts between the capital and the work. In order to accomplish this last task, the Legion elaborated strategies encompassed in a speech composed by images that talked about another possible world through the creation of organisms responsible for coordinating social relations (such a parallel can be found in the Medieval Age). In this sense, it was elaborated the establishment of a communication between the Legions leaders and its legionaries


historia legiao cearense do trabalho integralismo -- historia -- seculo 20 -- ceara, ce legiao cearense do trabalho sombra, severino -- 1907-2000

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