O impacto da interação universidade-empresa na produtividade dos pesquisadores: uma análise dos docentes coordenadores de projetos com apoio da Petrobrás/ANP / The impact of the interaction between university and firms: a analysis of coordinators of research projects with support of ANP/Petrobrás


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The research question focuses on assessing the impact on the scientific productivity of academic researchers involved in projects financed by the Oil Funds. We built a database on the performance of 784 Brazilian researchers, grouped into two groups, funded and not funded by Petrobrás/ANP. The evidences show that the impact of University-Petrobrás interaction on the scientific productivity of researchers from the sample depends on the kind of partnership established in the financing of the research project. In quantitative terms, the indirect interaction with Petrobrás/ANP (that is, by CT-Petro) brings positive impact on the number of articles published in the ISI, and the direct interaction (that is, by CENPES and/or Census of Research Groups/CNPq) does not produce statistically significant effect on the academic productivity. In addition, in qualitative terms the statistical model did not identify the presence of changes in the trajectory of productivity due to interaction with Petrobrás/ANP. Additionally, the estimates showed a quadratic relationship between age and number of articles published in the ISI, which has a peak around 56 years old, supporting the hypothesis of a life cycle for the researcher. Estimates separated by groups of areas of science reveal, however, that this impact is not uniform. One possible explanation for these results lies in the different stages of development in these areas, as well as the dependence of these areas to the resources transferred by Petrobrás/ANP. The impact is positive in Engineering, an area strongly influenced by Petrobrás, or its dependence on its supply of resources, or the importance of its thematic research. In areas more consolidated and less dependent on resource availability and demand for research from Petrobrás, the interaction shows no statistically significant effects on the number of published articles.


academic productivity dados em painel interação universidade-empresa panel data produtividade acadêmica university-industry interactions

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