O modelo do sistema viável na concepção da arquitetura de sistemas de informação: aplicação no contexto de incidentes em instalação de pesquisa na área nuclear. / The Viable System Model (VSM) in the conception of information system architectures - an application in the context of incidents for a research nuclear installation.




The present work presents a study aiming to verify the applicability of the Viable System Model (VSM) in a robust architecture for an Information System targeting nuclear naval area. The emphasis of the study is in assessing an alternative modeling for the Information System (IS) architecture specification, incorporating a set of functionalities defined by the VSM, with the purpose of strengthening this architecture. The strategy of this research is based on a bibliographic revision on VSM, Information System and its architecture, and the influence of those elements in the survival of the organizations in a ever changing environment. It is presented one case study where it is showed the theoretical elements of the VSM and IS architecture applied on the development of a IS architecture. The selected system for this application is the IS for nuclear incidents (SIN) on the installations dedicated to research and development on nuclear technology applied to submarine propulsion system.


nuclear safety and quality system segurança nuclear tecnologia da informação information system architecture viable system model (vsm) information systems information technology sistemas de informação (arquitetura) cybernetic organization

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