O papel do APL de jóias e bijuterias no desenvolvimento urbano de Limeira - SP




The Objective of this dissertation is to comprehend the role of the jewel and jewelry Productive Arrangement in the urban development in the city of Limeira, in the State of São Paulo. Thus, in the foreground, the concepts of the Local Productive Arrangements and its economical advantages, are approached, as well as the organization in the space. Environmental problems resulting from the implanted industrial practices and their main impacts in the environment are also observed. The development process in the countryside in the State of São Paulo, the concept of sustainable development, the region defined by the hydrographical basin and the municipal planning and management were focused and situated in the context. After that, the Jewel and jewelry segment of Limeira is analized, focusing its social, economical and labor generators characteristics, its localization in the urban area, the current public politics and its relation to the social-environmental development as well.


aspectos fisico-ambientais do planejamento urbano e regional local productive arrangements arranjos produtivos locais, limeira sustainable development limeira desenvolvimento sustentável

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