O papel dos diretores no processo de gestão de duas escolas públicas estaduais do município de Costa Rica MS / The paper of the directors as leaders in the process of administration of the state schools in the municipal district of Costa Rica (MS).




The study looks for to analyze roles played by the directors of two state schools in the city of Costa Rica MS. The research originated from lived experiences as a manager of public schools throughout three years and a half and, nowadays, manager of the school Lauradaiane and Faculdade de Educação FECRA, in the same city. The basic fidget is the performance of the directors in the process of public schools management. The study it is based on theoreticians as Mello (1993), Bordenave (1994), Barroso (1995-2000), Brunet (1995), Dourado (1989), Hora (1997) e Lima (1998), among others who deal with the school management in the dimensions of participation, autonomy and organizational climate. The research had a qualitative boarding, by means of case study, using the interpretation of documents and interviews with parents, pupils, employees, professors and coordinators, in relation to their participation in the collegiate. The results point that the performance of the directors, saw principles of democratic management, the organizational climate and the search of the autonomy, analyzed by the optics of the dialetic method, can be an alternative of the models overcoming of a still centralized administration.


organizational climate educacao autonomia autonomy clima organizacional participation gestão democrática democratic management participação

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