O PASSE NO ESPIRITISMO: CURA OU SALVAÇÃO? / Pass in the spiritualism: cure or salvation?


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The health is considered essential element and the disease represents a threat in different ways, depending on the science that analyzes them and of the context in that are expressed. I alleviate him/it and the physical ransom sends the search automatically for sources therapeutic religious alternatives that can revert your picture and to reach the true cure. However it was done necessary to rescue the relationship between religion and medicine and to insert the health in a context of unit of body, it lies, spirit and atmosphere, proposed by the vision holística, sistêmica and emergent. In this accomplished study, it tried to verify through bibliographical revision, the true reason of this search for the cure through the pass. It was noticed that the pass not only it represents an alternative of treatment of physical cure, but also of spiritual evolution. For being the spiritism a religion that nails the reincarnation as the human being evolutionary process, a lot of times, the disease is had as middle of approximating the person to the divine to become aware him that your state of disease can be related the action karmica of the cause law and effect, that in agreement with the spiritualistic vision, it governs the destinies of the spirit in educational proof in the matter. It was noticed with that that, actually, the cure is reached as middle of providing á person the understanding of the need of your integral balance, but also if spiritual growth, could be understood as salvation.


religião saúde doença cura e salvação teologia religion health disease cures and salvation

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