O patriarca e o tribuno : caminhos, encruzilhadas, viagens e pontes de dois lideres socialistas - Francisco Xavier da Costa (187?-1934) e Carlos Cavaco (1878-1961)




This thesis presents the biographies of Francisco Xavier da Costa (187?-1934) and Custódio Carlos de Araújo "Cavaco" (1878-1961), two outstanding socialist leaders in the Brazilian workers movement during the so-called First Republic and in the post-1930 period. Our starting point is the principle common to micro-historical studies, according to which scale reduction allows the observation of processes, relations and causalities little or non-perceptible in investigations focused on structural, collective, recurring, in sum, macro-oriented aspects. Therefore, by narrating, analyzing and cross-examining those figures, we intend to answer the following questions: 1) Why were individuals with so distinct life experiences attracted to socialism at late 19thCentury and early 20th Century?; 2) Which were the tools, strategies and spaces they resorted to in order to build, strengthen and hold their leadership within the workers movement in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, during the First Republic?;3) Which kind of socialism was advocated by Xavier da Costa and Cavaco? That is to say, theoretically speaking, which were their main ideas and inspirational sources? And 4) How can their joining the PPR-Partido Republicano Rio-Grandense (Rio Grande do Sul Republican Party) and the regime established after the 1930 revolution be explained? In order to do that, in Chapter I, we narrate Xavier da Costa and Cavaco s life course before they entered the workers movement. Examining their multiple and varied childhood and youth experiences, we seek to identify some elements that contributedto their later joining the socialist cause. In Chaptern, we firstly approach Xavier da Costa s initial steps within the workers movement in Porto Alegre and the gradual build-up of its leadership among significant portions of the state s workers in the last decade of the 19thCentury. Next, Cavaco s participation in the circles of literary sociability at the state capital after his arrival in 1904 is examined. Chapter III examines,at first,the conjuncture which preceded the breaking of the first general strike in Rio Grande do Sul, in 1906; Xavier da Costa and Cavaco s participation in that strike - the upmost moment if their political activity together - and finally, the actions of both after that movement, whether in behalf of common causes or separately. Chapter IV is aimed at the analysis of ideas and theoretical influences on both socialist leaders, as well of those groups they saw as the workers enemies. Chapter V investigates Xavier da Costa s new areas of activity after he joined the PPR in 1912; Cavaco s whereabouts at the time - above all, the love scandals he got involved in 1913 and 1918, and his travels around Brazil and other South American as well as European countries. Besides, it looks into the stance taken by both men regarding the 1930 Revolution and Getúlio Vargas government. I finally close discussing the possible reasons for the support lent by several socialist leaders in the state to the "bourgeois politics" (positivist republicanism and Getulism)


movimento operario - brasil socialismo - brasil socialistas - biografia

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