O Perfil do acesso ao ensino superior no contexto das desigualdades sociais: o caso dos cursos de administração da FADEP e da Faculdade Mater Dei de Pato Branco-PR




This study is related to Politics and Management in Superior Education with particular attention in the concentration area of Public Politics, Education and Citizenship, focusing the analysis of collected data on the research about social inequalities and the policy for superior education access. The investigation seeks to delineate a higher education access profile, specially related to the process of selectivity, the secondary formation, the vestibular examinations and the existence of inhibition in the individual capabilities due to the impossibility to attend superior education. The research intended to find the characteristics of the higher education access profile in the context of the social inequalities. The main objective of the present study was to analyze the conditions for accessing the superior education. The specific objectives were: 1. Identify the social and financial profile of the students who succeed in entering higher education; 2. Pointing the Brazilian State policy and management strategies for higher education access. The target population was comprised by two higher education colleges in the city of Pato Branco. The sample consisted of 62 (sixty-two) first semester students from the General Administration course from both colleges. The data was collected through a roll of 39 (thirty-nine) open-ended and closed-ended multiple-choice questions. The results revealed an access profile formed by young students who work in order to afford part of college expenses, live with their families in nearby region, attended public school and a pre-vestibular course, read newspapers, magazines and books, use the Internet and perceive the General Administration course as a professional opportunity. The parents usually work, have poor education, and help with their formation expenses.


ensino superior - pato branco (pr) faculdade de pato branco educação e estado educacao política e educação educação - aspectos econômicos

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