O povoamento colonial do sudeste do Piauà : indÃgenas e colonizadores, conflitos e resistÃncia




The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss the portuguese colonization in southeastern PiauÃ, Brazil, during the XVIII th. and XIX th. centuries, as proposal aiming at providing a new overview of this colonization process. This is intended to be done starting from the relations established among those indian groups, the colonizers and the government authorities. We emphasize the diversities and specific characteristics of this process in that region. In adition, we emphasize not only the political history, but also the social and economic factors, trying to detail our purpose by means of a dynamic description. An emphasis on the colonial peopling process is also discussed in its global view, and an the emphasis was given the Casa da Torre cowboys crossed the Dois IrmÃos Mountain and settled themselves on the margins of the Piauà River and founded new farms, fighting the indian groups and developing large and impressive cattle livestocks. It is also our purpose to identify and locate the indian tribes that inhabited those areas and verify the relationships stablished among them and the arriving setters, trying to analize the conflicting interests involving those indians, the sesmeiros, i.d. recivers of sesmarias, land granted by the colonial king, as well as trying to identify the ways of action furtherly taken to repress and resist. With all this procedure, an emphasis was given to the most discussed indian group, what is evident by the analysis of the existing old document in the Arquivo PÃblico do PiauÃ, related to the southeastern region of that state. We rather used the documents related to the conquest wars and to information about local and cultural aspects, in order to understand how those people succeeded to survive during a period when other indigenous groups were practically dispersed or located in controlled settlements


histÃria indÃgena brasil brazil etno-history in piauà piauà historia Ãndios pimenteira pimenteira indians indian history etno-histÃria do piauà piauÃ

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