O prazer na escola




The present work consists of a study on the pleasure m the school, stating from a twenty-five year-old professional experience in the school public net from Sao Paulo. The objective is to provoke reflections on the presence/absence of the pleasure in e totality of the school procedures and in the w ork with the owledge, presenting for that, besides a wide discussion on the Brazilian educational politics, specifically &om Sao Paulo, interfering factors in the educational process of several orders: factors of socioeconomic, politics and cultural order, factors of relational order, factors of ective-emotional order, factors of strucial and organizacional order and factors of didactic-pedagogic order. The study serves of alert for the need as providing to the students opporties for the existence of the pleasure, as element that fluences in the access and the permanence of the child, teenager and adult in the schooi. Stag from the need of school pleasure existence, it presents an Educatio Proposal lcd to the pleasure, as alternative for the decrease of the escape, retention and misbehavior indexes.


fracasso escolar prazer

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