O Programa Escola Comunitária de Gestão Compartilhada : descentralização ou desconcentração nas escolas públicas estaduais de Miracema do Tocantins?




This work is the search result desenvolvina at Masters level, with line of research in polítcas and management of education and problematizes the process of management of state public schools of the State of Tocantins, with focus to the schools of the City of Miracema, jurisdicionadas the Regional Directors of Miracema. In this study reflect the strategies of democratization and decentralization of public schools of the state, through the Community School Program for Management Shared (PECGC). The programme was implemented in Tocantins, from 1997, and according to the official discourse aims to "promote financial autonomy, administrative and educational, and the guarantee of democratic participation of communities" and local school. The Community School Program for Management Shared (PECGC) is the lead in the context of the 1990 s, tends to assimilate the characteristics and trends of current reforms of the state. In the field of education is incorporating the logic of decentralisation of management and autonomy of educational systems, which actually put education in a clear process of internationalization of education, assuming an exclusionary logic, turned toward the goals of the capitalist system. It was apparent that the policies of education adopted in the state of Tocantins, point to a character expressed by PECGC management, strengthening the devolution of management with the detachment of the state of their social obligations. The same logic is reflected locally accepted by these policies and their implementation - under the guidance of the Department of Education - the state schools in the city of Miracema. This management model shows, in schools surveyed, the pursuit of a relative autonomy, exacerbated by a process of democratization imposed.


escolas públicas autonomia escolar democratização da educação programa escola comunitária de gestão compartilhada desconcentração equity democratization school democratização autonomia educação e estado educacao decentralization escolas - descentralização capital devolution state autonomy estado

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