O sepulcro de Julio II, de Michelangelo : a questão iconografica a luz das recentes investigações




Michelangelo spent 40 years both in his mature and productive life to build The Tomb of Pope Julius II between 1505 and 1545. Planned at the very beginning as a big mausoleum adorned with around 40 sculptures and pieces of bronze to be construct at Saint Peter Church, the sepulchral monument was reduced at each new project that was signed between Michelangelo and the executors and heirs of Pope Julius wiIl. The monument was finally constructed not more in Saint Peter Church, but in Saint Peter in Chains, with only 7 sculptures, some of them by the hand of Michelangelo s disciples. Saying that the final result was a possible arrangement that the artist could arrive for to be free forever the scholars have appointed that this work became much distant from the dreams of the pope and the proper artist. Based on the recent works on restoration conducted by Antonio ForceIlino and supported by the studies made by Adriano Prosperi on religious field side by side the inquiries made by Christoph L. Frommel on the sculpture of Moses they advanced new hipothesis on the social, political and religious context that marked the conclusion of the monument and that motivated Michelangelo to choose some sculptures and not others under the influence of the little book II Beneficio di Cristo. FoIlowing this way they created one of the newest and the most revolutionary theories on the iconographic program of the last project of this work putting new lights on its comprehension and help us understand it better


escultura renascença renaissance renaissance art arte renascentista sculpture

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