O sistema harmonizado pode ser utilizado como barreira tÃcnica? : anÃlise dos casos da cachaÃa, da sandÃlia de dedo, de borracha, e dos cortes de frango, salgados e congelados, no perÃodo de 2002 a 2007




The present dissertation has opened a new discussion: technical protections on brazilian products in the international trade, by their classification in the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS). It studied the effects, from 2002 to 2007, on three brazilian exported products: cachaÃa as it is in the same HS code than rum; rubber footwear with thongs assembled to the sole by means of plugs classified by importer as other rubber footwear; and boneless chicken meat (chicken fillets), salted and frozen, because HS code, where it had always been classified by Brazil, was changed by European Union (EU), who believed that salt was not mainly responsible for its conservation. Theories on international trade and about protectionism versus free trade were studied; HS and Nomenclatura Comum Mercosul (NCM) were shown; laws and documents about litigation and conflicts around the three brazilian products had been examined; data information about the involved products exportations had been collected from Sistema Integrado de ComÃrcio Exterior (Siscomex) database, by Alice Web, from MinistÃrio do Desenvolvimento IndÃstria e ComÃrcio Exterior (MDIC), Lince and DW-Customs, from Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil (RFB), and analyzed. On HS point of view, technical barriers imposed on the three exported products were studied, as well as if HS codes interpretations had a technique or semantic aims, or if they just hide economic importers countries interests, being considered technical protections imposed to brazilian products. The technical barriers were configured in chicken fillets, salted and frozen, exported to EU; however, the same could not be proved towards cachaÃa exportations to United States of America (USA), and towards rubber footwear with thongs assembled to the sole exported to Argentina, although it is known that there are hard restrictions on sugar cane beverages imported by USA, and on brazilian shoes bought by Argentina


barreiras tÃcnicas techniques barriers cortes de frango, salgados e congelados economia mercosul common nomenclature harmonized system nomenclatura comum do mercosul protecionismo sandÃlia de dedo, de borracha cachaÃa protectionism sistema harmonizado cachaÃa chicken fillets, salty and frozen rubber footwear

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