O uso das cores na arquitetura e na cidade: caso especial do bairro paulistano de Vila Madalena




This is an investigative work on the use of colors in architecture and the city, having as spatial borders, São Paulos neighborhood, Vila Madalena, due to the regions chromatic highlights. Notorious influence is given to the reading of the urban space, a language complex that forms the image in its poetry through the subjectivity of individually learned art, from sensorial stimuli acquired in this atmosphere. Color, as the support of a formed image, and of the art expression and architecture, becomes the scope of this study, always connected to its revealing element: light. This interdependency relationship between color and light calls for an integrated study of both factors. This form of energy called light, when distributed in its tonal radiations, assumes different meanings, according to different historical, cultural, traditional or even religious backgrounds. The approach to applied color emphasizes that the chromatic result of a landscape comes from further than reason or physical aspects of color, and is also a product of variables, such as the nature of light, the visual system and emotional sense of each one. On site investigation aims to establish a relation between image typology and applied color. A reflection on perception of the atmosphere and resultant interpretations of this process, either real or mental presented through memory fosters the study of this phenomena that makes each place incorporate and identify, along with times, new thoughts. Thoughts that rise as answers to the re-creation of the captured image. Meaningful sections of the district were attentiously covered, in search of a photographic memory that would reveal a bit of this chromatic and artistic experience called Vila Madalena. And finally, quantification and qualification of studied color combinations that were the basis to build chromati Index-palettes, scientifically based on the Munsell System for color identification.


arquitetura e urbanismo arquitetura urbana policromia arquitetônica urban architecture architectural polychromy vila madalena vila madalena

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